Eastern Europe

Traveling through Eastern Europe was a combination of new and old. The roads were really good for the most part while most often you could observe farming being done by hand with the use of horse and carts. Romania offered the best road in the world for riding. The low prices were very welcomed after being in Scandinavia.


Jump to Other Countries:  Ukraine, More Romania, Bulgaria, Greece, Balkans, Italy

Moldova & Ukraine

Jump to Other Countries:  Romania, More Romania, Bulgaria, Greece, Balkans, Italy

Ukraine is the poorest country we have come across so far in Europe. The roads are also the worst that we have experienced. Despite that the cities of Kiev, Lviv, and Odessa are nice cities to explore. A side trip to Chernobyl was a highlight. On the way to Odessa I went through Moldova which I heard is the third least visited country in the world.

Eastern Europe

Traveling through Eastern Europe was a combination of new and old. The roads were really good for the most part while most often you could observe farming being done by hand with the use of horse and carts. Romania offered the best road in the world for riding. The low prices were very welcomed after being in Scandinavia.

More Romania

Jump to Other Countries:  Romania, Ukraine, Bulgaria, Greece, Balkans, Italy


Jump to Other Countries:  Romania, Ukraine, More Romania, Greece, Balkans, Italy

The Balkans

I traveled through Northern Greece, Albania, Macedonia, Kosovo, Montenegro, Croatia, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Serbia, and Slovenia. There is some really amazing scenery in this area of the world along with the scariest road I have ridden so far. Tourism in this area should explode even if it doesn’t.


Jump to Other Countries:  Romania, Ukraine, More Romania, Bulgaria, Balkans, Italy

The Balkan States

Jump to Other Countries:  Romania, Ukraine, More Romania, Bulgaria, Greece, Italy


Jump to Other Countries:  Romania, Ukraine, More Romania, Bulgaria, Greece, Balkans

The trip through Italy was pretty quick but I got to ride some really remote, mountainous roads in Northern Italy that were great fun. The route also took me through a small little country called San Marino which is landlocked within Italy.

Jump to More:  Italy (November, 2015)
Jump to Top:     Eastern Europe